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Fred Smith, un loquillo
En los inicios de FedEx, la compañía quedó sin dinero. Tras serle denegada una ronda de financiamiento, su fundador Fred Smith tomó impulsivamente un vuelo a Las Vegas y apostó los últimos US$ 5.000 de la compañía en blackjack. Ganó US$ 27.000, pagó cuentas por combustible por US$ 24.000 y dio sustentabilidad financiera por una semana más.
Bradford, Harry. "FedEx's $5,000 Gamble. Literally". The Huffington, 15 de octubre de 2012 Post. “I asked Fred where the funds had come from, and he responded, ‘The meeting with the General Dynamics board was a bust and I knew we needed money for Monday, so I took a plane to Las Vegas and won $27,000.’ I said, ‘You mean you took our last $5,000— how could you do that?’ He shrugged his shoulders and said, ‘What difference does it make? Without the funds for the fuel companies, we couldn’t have flown anyway.’ Fred’s luck held again. It was not much, but it came at a critical time and kept us in business for another week.”