El blindado del reino animal

El blindado del reino animal

El blindado del reino animal

Native to desert habitats in Southern California, the diabolical ironclad beetle has an exoskeleton that's one of the toughest, most crush-resistant structures known to exist in the animal kingdom. UCI researchers led a project to study the components and architectures responsible for making the creature so indestructible.

El exoesqueleto del escarabajo diabólico acorazado (Nosoderma diabolicum) soportar 15 kilogramos de peso (39.000 veces su peso). Para pasar un alfiler propio de insectario es necesario producir una perforación primero.



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Machemer, Theresa. "The Secrets of the Diabolical Ironclad Beetle's Almost Unsquishable Strength". Smithsonian Magazine, 22 de octubre de 2020. https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/scientists-unravel-secrets-diabolical-ironclad-beetles-near-unsquishable-strength-180976113/ 2-

ELIZABETH PENNISI. "Even a car can't kill this beetle. Here's why". Science, 21 de octubre de 2020 https://www.science.org/content/article/even-car-can-t-kill-beetle-here-s-why

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